"No one I've ever met cares as much and creates great stuff quite like you" Patrick Laughlin
"Perfect! Students loved the movie and the activity"
Mack Henrikson
"Thanks for making life easier"

Meet Mike Ward
Building Meaningful Experiences - 4 -
Students & Teachers
Mike Ward, Educator and Coach from Michigan
Nearly 30 years of teaching students from all walks of life has led Mike to a unique philosophy called TLC3 for E. His philosophy leverages Technology, Literacy, Content, Curriculum, and Creativity for Educators seeking to give all students every opportunity to be successful. It blends a standards-based approach with authentic learning experiences to engage students and encourage lifelong learning.
Mike’s passion for teaching is only surpassed by his excitement for learning.

"Mr. Ward was my supervising teacher. From day one Mr. Ward made it clear that his intentions were to coach me into becoming a professional educator. My short time spent with Mr. Ward had without any doubt the biggest impact. No class taken or professor I encountered was able to help me like Mr. Ward."
Michael Cuddeback
As my history teacher, I've gotten to know you as an amazingly cheerful person. Thanks for making a difference in my life.
Emily Liu
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Making Movies Meaningful
As an educator and media specialist, I coach other teachers to build resources that harness their unique creativity while leveraging technology, literacy, content, and curriculum. My approach is referred to as TLC3! The end result is meaningful and engaging experiences. I also help educators build advocacy into these experiences. This generates more positive attention for the wonderful activities that are conducted in classrooms every day. I offers a free online sample of the Making Movies Meaningful class below, like the one you can register for on our member's page. This free training is designed to give you a sample of my expertise and to prove that I can help you by actually helping you:-)
Partner with me and take your game to a new level!

Learn the secrets of one of the world's most innovative teachers.....