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Try a free sample of the Making Movies Meaningful class today!

Making Movies Meaningful
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About the event

Here is what I do and how I can help....

Making Movies Meaningful was designed for a number of reasons ranging from an effective sub plan that is easy to check upon return to a more complex build that targets standards while engaging students.


The Making Movies Meaningful class is a proven, step-by-step process.  It allows me to show you exactly how to build a meaningful experience for your students in precise detail. I will show you exactly what to do every step of the way, right down to the format, alignment, and advocacy within your learning community.  Join now or learn more by selecting the first two tiles below.  Each are free!

I will personally coach you though five easy steps to design a meaningful movie experience for your students


You will also be guided by my unique Template 4 Success philosophy 


One free movie activity that you can use for your classes


Free overarching timeline project 


Learn how the process drives advocacy that will create opportunities for your students and you as well

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