Observation: Did you ever notice how one key student can bring up something negative and then that attitude attracts others like a magnet? Before you know it you have a chorus of negative vibes feeding off of each other.
As I causally listen to students or observe the interaction of my own children, I often wonder why teens find negative events more enticing than celebrating positive happenings?
We know that good and bad can be found in everything. Even when the good hides for a while before becoming more apparent. Both the are just as contagious but it is rare to observe the same regarding positive talk.

Given this pattern, I wanted to bring some of my psychology students into the conversation. Why is the negative more attractive? Why are people more drawn to complain? They were stumped! Good teachable moment I thought! So I brought to their attention the fact that good and bad, positive and negative, can be found in everything. Given that information, the next step deals with a choice. I explained that we are all free to make our own choices. Since we can control that choice, I asked them to recognize the moment and find the choices. Then, try to head against the flow into the positive current. I ended by telling them that I believe most successful people, who live their dreams and a fulfilling life, probably weigh and find the positive without thought or effort. When it becomes a habit, it can redefine your life. Interestingly, this habit has helped me face some tough circumstances with a smile rather than anxiety and a frown.
Have a great week!