Evaluation time was always a stressful time of the school year. It was tough to put things into a fair perspective. At times, I was troubled by the fact that a judgement could be made regarding professional practices based on a few visits throughout the year. But really, do you know who my toughest critic has been? MYSELF (not the evaluator). Funny, but I have to tell you, I have come to realize that I was pretty good at beating myself up.

As of late, I have dropped the title of critic. Now, I am my best advocate. By creating and re-creating, I have built something special to share with all my students. One simple question carries the day when reflecting upon my efforts as a teacher: if my own children were in my class, would I be pleased with my efforts? The answer has always been "YES" and that is what I rally around:-)
Have a great week!
P.S. Assessments dropped back to 25% of state (MI) evaluations. It was scheduled to go up to 45% this year. Thanks MEA:-)